Beasts in Babylon?

The Guardian reports on widespread destruction of cultural monuments in the Iraq city of Babylon — not by looters, but by U.S. troops. Apparently we’ve set up a military depot there. Um, hello. You’d think with the Olympics just in Greece we’d be saturated with knowledge that this is a very bad idea. Say it with me: ancient structures make bad armories. Repeat.

Where were the much-ballyhooed cultural heritage consultants to the military on this campaign? Ugh.

(Thanks, Mark.)

2 Responses to “Beasts in Babylon?”

  1. Immanuel says :

    ancient structures make bad armories.

    ancient structures make bad armories.


    Greetings from Germany


  2. John says :

    Thank you for repeating! Nice to see you around these parts, Manu.