The radiant profusion of alabaster white skin blubbering out from beneath clothing more suited for the tropics temporarily blinds you as people joyously run, skate, and bike down the lakefront path for the first time in months.
You’re asked to buy a Streetwise every half-block instead of every few blocks.
People no longer lunge for the heat lamp “on” button on the L platform the moment the timer runs out.
It is easier to imagine a flower sprouting from dead brown grass than frozen white grass.
Recently this blog (and my Flickr account) turned 20 years old, forever in Internet years. I went back through it all, retracing digital footprints made on what feels like a different planet. Here are some highlights.
The Ampcamper
How I hauled myself, two teens, an 80 lb dog, and a whole load of crap 4000+ miles across six states in twenty days using an electric vehicle. And survived to tell the tale.
The Terror Tourist
A roughly monthly exploration of places in horror fiction — real or imagined, geographical or psychological — culled from The Heavy Leather Horror Show.
beer tastes way better when you can fire up the grill after work wearing shorts and your flip-flops
A very good point.