Day Eighteen – Roadsnacks

Nothing but driving today pre-dawn until late at night: Grand Teton to Moab. We’re more than halfway home. But first, we urgently need your help to settle some festering disagreements about appropriate roadtrip snacks. Which of these three belong in the car? Please rank in the comments. (Example: 3, 2, 10)
Update: Voting is now closed.
Final results as of July 6, 2023, 11:35 PM MT:
Rye Chips | 13 |
Haribo Peach Gummies | 7 |
Nerds Gummy Clusters | 5 |
Sweet & Salty Trail Mix | 17 |
Cool Ranch Doritos | 14 |
Corn Nuts (Ranch) | 7 |
Reese’s Mini Peanut Butter Cups | 14 |
Hot Tamales | 6 |
Junior Mints | 6 |
Salted Nut Roll | 1 |